Humility Really Cannot be Considered a Virtue

Swami Dayananda Saraswati

Ego and pride are closely related, almost synonymous effects born of the same cause, ignorance of the relationship of the individualized sense of I with the world. (...) Although, graced by free will,...

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14K reads, 9 comments

Compassion: an Objective Form of Empathy

Jeff Weiner

As the Dalai Lama explains, if you are walking along a trail and come along a person who is being crushed by a boulder, an empathetic reaction would result in you feeling the same sense of crushing su...

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25K reads, 8 comments

Awareness is Profound Interest

J. Krishnamurti

The man who wants to improve himself can never be aware, because improvement implies condemnation and the achievement of a result; whereas in awareness there is observation without condemnation, witho...

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The Gift of New Eyes

Rachel Naomi Remen

Many years ago, I had just given a talk on the messages, both positive and negative, that we convey to our patients without our awareness; sometimes with words but often with just our tone of voice, o...

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28K reads, 5 comments

Love Like Water

Mark Nepo

Water in its clear softness fills whatever hole it finds. It is not skeptical or distrusting. It does not say this gully is too deep or that field is too open. Like water, the miracle of love is that ...

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The Power of Art

John F. Kennedy

Strength takes many forms, and the most obvious forms are not always the most significant. The men who create power make an indispensable contribution to the Nation’s greatness, but the men who ...

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20K reads, 6 comments

True Splendor of Science

Alan Watts

The true splendor of science is not so much that it names and classifies, records and predicts, but that it observes and desires to know the facts, whatever they may turn out to be. However much it ma...

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33K reads, 4 comments

Choosing Suffering over Safety

Bonnie Rose

“Can you walk, sweetheart?” I say these words to our dog Stella who is dying. It’s time for breakfast and if she walks from our bed to the kitchen, maybe that will be a sign. Maybe s...

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21K reads, 14 comments

Spontaneous Resonance

James O'dea

A friend recently described her spontaneous reaction to a police officer beating a black youth. The cracking sound of a blow to the youth instantaneously ignited a mighty “No!” as she surg...

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16K reads, 7 comments

The Pleasure of Serving

Gabriela Mistral

All of nature is a yearning for service: The cloud serves, and the wind, and the furrow. Where there is a tree to plant, you be the one. Where there is a mistake to undo, let it be you. You be...

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31K reads, 13 comments

The Surrender Experiment

Michael Singer

Life rarely unfolds exactly as we want it to. And if we stop and think about it, that makes perfect sense. The scope of life is universal, and the fact that we are not actually in control of life&rsqu...

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28K reads, 34 comments

Effects of Adversity

Eranda Jayawickreme

Adversity may help people distinguish between events they can really control by changing their environment versus uncontrollable events. While they cannot change the environment in the latter case, th...

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