Arrivals and Departures

Cab Driver
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A cab driver describing his 'view':

And this (pointing to the windshield)...this is like my little window to the world, and every minute is a different show. Now I may not understand it, I may not even necessarily agree with it, but I tell you what, I accept it and just sorta glide along. You want to keep things on an even keel, I guess is what I'm saying. You want to go with the flow, the sea refuses no river. The idea is to remain in a state of constant departure, while always arriving. It saves on introductions and goodbyes. The ride does not require an explanation, just occupants. That's where you guys come in.

It's like you come onto this planet with a crayon box. Now you may get the 8-pack, or you may get the 16-pack...but it's all in what you do with the crayons, the colors, that you're given. Don't worry about drawing within the lines, or coloring outside the lines; I say color outside the lines, you know what I mean?

-- From the movie Waking Life

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