Pillar to post we lurch, seeking to feel good enough to stay on the "merry-go -round", fighting the urge to just stop and be...active stillness, to catch up with oneself, feel the air on your cheek. Active stillness is not only for acknowledging our repression and discomforts. how about noticing light, love, colour, shape. A child is amazed by the sky, the sun, flowers, animals, hills, water and on and on. So many things to be in awe of when not engaged in "busy business".
Be Still..
'Being' instead of 'doing' comes to mind when reading this article.
It it has taken a lifetime of 'doing' to make realize 'being' is where I am happiest, joyful, loving, kind. . . . To me first and then others.
I have aver never enjoyed shopping because of all its hustle and bustle. Crowds annoy and agitate me....I adore the term mentioned in one of the shares 'frenetic energy'.
Unfortunately, I observe society pushing more of this 'active laziness' . . . busy all the time, on children.
No no wonder the world has so many I solved problems.
i love the Scripture, 'BE STILL and know that I am God.'
today, I relax . . . be not do knowing God is in Charge.
have a peace filled day . . .
On Nov 28, 2014 Abhishek wrote :
For me, 'doing' itself is worth looking into.