I am just a BEING. It is futile to find an answer to this question. It is like a SUN RAY getting a doubt WHO AM I. If the water bubble is bestowed with the power of thinking. Its starting base will be I AM THE TRUTH. Its existence is limited as ours. The only thing we can do is THINK and ACT RATIONALLY. This RATIONALITY may change with TIME as we relax our adherence to RELIGIOUS and SOCIAL compulsions
I am that Brahma chaithanya covered up by samskaraas. Gradually when these sanskaras are leaving my picture to myself is slowly emerging. Meanwhile, I believe that I am spec of THAT.
To David, I have had your words on the screen of this iPad mini for over 24 hours (in which time, I have read at least ten times). I guess before I click the X, I need to say "amen" to your revelation!
Srikantam -- We do have the ability to think and reason, and we have more and greater nonthinking and non reasoning abilities. We can do much more than think and act rationally. For example, we can be creative and wise and love.
On Nov 16, 2014 david doane wrote :
When I was in psychotherapy, I learned that I had an inner truth, which I learned to trust and value. This learning gave me a new view on life and about myself and made all the difference in the world. I learned (and am still learning) to pay attention to my inner truth and use it in my actions and decisions. At a much later time, I learned that my inner truth is an expression of Truth/Infinity Being/God, which reinforced my valuing of and listening to it. That awareness and practice has added to my appreciation of life, for which I am grateful. "The truth of who you are does not come and go" means to me that there is a connection between my inner truth and the Source, and while my ego, thinking, emotions, awareness,and form change, the connection between my inner truth and the Source doesn't come and go, it's a constant, if I am aware of it or not.