Metaphorically well said, but how do we achieve this in practical world, which is marred with insecurity and charlatan skills?
Sample this - the most often said thing is one should loose ego.
Example - B is sub-ordinate of A and brings to notice of A some of the inadherant inadequacies of A, in return all A will have to say B is to shed ego, now in doing so isn't A himself celebrating ego and demonstrating that he is egoistic, else why would A give a damn about B? A could have lapsed in introspection.
Another sample - Aristotle remarked that contradictions do not exist, one of the underlying premises is incorrect. As centuries have passed since then, mankind has only added to confusion by compounding the premises rather than discarding them.
On Jul 26, 2010 Lokesh wrote :
Metaphorically well said, but how do we achieve this in practical world, which is marred with insecurity and charlatan skills?
Sample this - the most often said thing is one should loose ego.
Example - B is sub-ordinate of A and brings to notice of A some of the inadherant inadequacies of A, in return all A will have to say B is to shed ego, now in doing so isn't A himself celebrating ego and demonstrating that he is egoistic, else why would A give a damn about B? A could have lapsed in introspection.
Another sample - Aristotle remarked that contradictions do not exist, one of the underlying premises is incorrect. As centuries have passed since then, mankind has only added to confusion by compounding the premises rather than discarding them.