For most people, the transformation from materially oriented life to egoless state of mind is a slow deliberate process. The ideas expressed in the thought are very logical and appear simple, but are extremely difficult to put into practice. At my level, I find it more realistic to start with trying to dissolve the ego in less challenging situations of everyday life like anger, disappointments, material craving, jealousy etc. Once the grip of the ego has loosened enough to rein in these negative qualities, the more lofty and challenging goal of total ego dissolution suggested in this thought can become a more realistic goal. Even though I find the goal expressed in the thought as unrealistic for me and for most people around me, it provides tremendous inspiration for pursuing the goals that I find realistic.
On Jul 28, 2009 SK wrote :
For most people, the transformation from materially oriented life to egoless state of mind is a slow deliberate process. The ideas expressed in the thought are very logical and appear simple, but are extremely difficult to put into practice. At my level, I find it more realistic to start with trying to dissolve the ego in less challenging situations of everyday life like anger, disappointments, material craving, jealousy etc. Once the grip of the ego has loosened enough to rein in these negative qualities, the more lofty and challenging goal of total ego dissolution suggested in this thought can become a more realistic goal. Even though I find the goal expressed in the thought as unrealistic for me and for most people around me, it provides tremendous inspiration for pursuing the goals that I find realistic.