What Eugene Taught Me

Linda Lantieri

When I first met Eugene, he had been a peer mediator for several years in his South Bronx high school.  Once, when he was asked by his teacher to think about a goal he had for himself in the futu...

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13K reads, 12 comments

The Lovely State of Observation

Vimala Thakar

There are two parts of life. Motion and motionlessness. Movement is one part of life but to be in a state of no movement is also a substantial part of our life. Speech is on...

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24K reads, 7 comments

The Interplay of Awareness, Presence and Compassion

Namkhai Norbu Rinpoche

 Many Masters have said: "Urge on the horse of awareness with the whip of presence!" And, in fact, if awareness is not quickened by presence it cannot function. Let's examine an exampl...

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21K reads, 5 comments

If Sameness Is A Demand We Make

Rev. Carol Carnes

When I lived in Hawaii, if the temperature dropped to 65 degrees Fahrenheit, we felt we had been hit with serious winter.  In California, 41 degrees was enough to cause complaints. Here in Canada...

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12K reads, 6 comments

Where Skillfullness and Clarity Meet

J. Krishnamurti

We have become very skillful in dealing with our daily life; skillful, in the sense of being clever in applying a great deal of knowledge which we have acquired through education and experience. We ac...

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25K reads, 6 comments

Being Judicious, not Judgmental

Thanissaro Bhikku

One of the most difficult but necessary skills we need to develop as meditators is learning how to be judicious without being judgmental. An as a preliminary step to developing that skill, it's good t...

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41K reads, 5 comments

Beyond Endings

John O'Donohue

Endings seem to lie in wait. Absorbed in our experience we forget that an ending might be approaching. Consequently, when the ending signals its arrival, we can feel ambushed. Perhaps there is an inst...

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12K reads, 4 comments

Applying Realization to Relationships


Many spiritual seekers have had glimpses of the absolute unity of all existence, but few are capable of or willing to live up to the many challenging implications inherent in that revelation. The reve...

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210K reads, 17 comments

Forgiveness & Your Life's Unfinished Business

Stephen Levine

 As awareness becomes yet subtler, able to discern even the muffled whispers of the mind, we are confronted with what a dying musician friend called “the Unfinished Symphony” – ...

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21K reads, 13 comments

Pale Blue Dot

Carl Sagan

Look again at that dot. That's here. That's home. That's us. On it everyone you love, everyone you know, everyone you ever heard of, every human being who ever was, lived out their lives. The ag...

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221K reads, 39 comments

When You Don't Choose Love You Choose Fear

Elisabeth Kubler-Ross & David Kessler

If we could literally reach into you and remove all your fears – every one of them – how different would your life be? Think about it. If nothing stopped you from following your dreams, yo...

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179K reads, 57 comments

Noticing the Gaps

Eckhart Tolle

In the first moment of seeing something or hearing a sound -- and more so if it is unfamiliar -- before the mind names or interprets what you see or hear there is usually a gap of alert attention in w...

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29K reads, 10 comments
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