Our Teachers in Nature

Elisabet Sahtouris

Looking at living systems over time, I came to understand that they all go through a cycle that's very like our psychological maturation cycles. We start with a unity, we're undifferentiated, we come...

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16K reads, 6 comments

A Blessing for One Who is Exhausted

John O'Donohue

When the rhythm of the heart becomes hectic, Time takes on the strain until it breaks; Then all the unattended stress falls in On the mind like an endless, increasing weight, The light in the ...

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25K reads, 11 comments

The Fallacy of Togetherness


Make friends with those who are on the path at least as much as you are. If they do not take you forward, at least they do not become a reason to move you backward on your quest. If this is not possib...

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131K reads, 30 comments

Understanding and Cultivating Silence

Ajahn Sumedho

Just by exploring this you really get to understand what [self] is, how you become a personality and also to see that when there is no person there is still awareness. It’s an intelligent awaren...

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23K reads, 8 comments

We Start Where We Are

Marianna Cacciatore

When we learn to be of service to one another without imposing our ideas and advice, eventually the truth of our wholeness begins to reveal itself. This is how it unfolds.  In the beginning, w...

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12K reads, 5 comments

To Know Without Needing To Understand


Usually, we search for understanding because we believe that it will lead to true experience. We try to understand every experience that is brought...

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22K reads, 8 comments

Three Great Forces

Brother David Steindl-Rast

The three great forces that the Christian Elders in the Egyptian desert identified as the enemies against which we’re battling are anger, lust, and laziness. The third one is called the noonday ...

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23K reads, 15 comments

Learning to 'Presence'

Peter Senge

When any of us acts in a state of fear or anxiety, our actions are likely to revert to what is most habitual: our most instinctual behaviors dominate, ultimately reducing us to our “fight &ndash...

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22K reads, 6 comments

What is Goodness?

Rabindranath Tagore

The question will be asked, "What is goodness?  What does our moral nature mean?"  My answer is that when a man begins to have an extended vision of his self, when he realizes that...

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20K reads, 8 comments

Daily Life of Art

Nina Wise

Since the inception of the human species and until only decades ago, daily life was infused with art making. We crafted our own tools, we sewed our own clothing, we built our own shelters, we cultiv...

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51K reads, 16 comments

Neighbors Are Our Practice

Tenzin Palmo

Meditation is only one of the many qualities that is emphasized. It's a very important one because we have to understand our mind, and we can only understand our mind by looking at it. But to be a wel...

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12K reads, 8 comments

We Have Forgotten Sabbath

Wayne Muller

A "successful" life has become a violent enterprise.  We make war on our own bodies, pushing them beyond their limits; war on our children, because we cannot find enough time to be with...

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24K reads, 21 comments
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