Untested Simplicity of the Villages

Ram Dass

Is the vision of simple living provided by this village in the East the answer?  Is this an example of a primitive simplicity of the past or of an enlightened simplicity of the future? Gradual...

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13K reads, 9 comments

Pain, the Price of Freedom

Michael Singer

Wise beings do not want to remain a slave to the fear of pain. They permit the world to be what it is instead of being afraid of it. They wholeheartedly particip...

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38K reads, 23 comments

But It Is There

Kent Nerburn

We are all born with a belief in God. It may not have a name or a face. We may not even see it as God. But it is there. It is the sense that comes over us as we stare into the starlit sky or watch th...

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15K reads, 21 comments

We are the Ones We've Been Waiting For

Hopi Elders

You have been telling people that this is the Eleventh Hour, now you must go back and tell the people that this is the Hour. And there are things to be considered… Where are you living? Wha...

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283K reads, 190 comments

Growing in Spontaneity

Vimala Thakar

Never argue with one's own understanding. The whisper of intelligence is always there, whatever you do. If you create a time lag between the whisper of intelligence and understanding in you and your...

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25K reads, 5 comments

Humor Is A Magical Interface

Steve Bhaerman

Humor is a magical interface between the logical and intuitive minds. Consequently, it has the power to bypass the left-brain’s linear gatekeepers and allow outside-the-box ideas to come in unde...

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13K reads, 2 comments

Space in the Crowded Workplace

Ashvin Iyengar

The more I live, the more I am realizing the importance of space. Space between thoughts and actions. Space which has room for possibilities despite being crowded with opinions. Space which makes choi...

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22K reads, 17 comments

Courage to Risk Telling the Truth

Angeles Arrien

Something definitely changes when we finally summon the courage to risk telling the truth about who we are and are not. The primary questions become: how and why do we avoid being who we truly are? Wh...

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23K reads, 8 comments

Visionmaking Should be a Daily Activity

Patrick O'Neill

One of the most important responsibilities of every leader is to envision the future. Visionmaking should be a daily activity ... and deal with practices of inventing the fu...

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14K reads, 9 comments

The One Goal of All Nature

Swami Vivekananda

The grandest idea in Vedanta is that we may reach the same goal by different paths; and these paths I have generalised into four—viz., those of work, love, psychology and knowledge. But you must...

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19K reads, 6 comments

Equanimity: the Radical Permission to Feel

Shinzen Young

Equanimity is a fundamental skill for self-exploration and emotional intelligence. It is a deep and subtle concept frequently misunderstood and easily confused with suppression of fee...

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29K reads, 7 comments

A Portrait in Patience

Pavithra Mehta

Patience they said was a virtue. Only I wasn't ever quite sure why. I always saw her as a rather plain-faced girl with a sweet smile. Too sweet. She was wont to sit in a straight-backed chair. Legs c...

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