Letter on the Kitchen Table

John Ptacek

Dear Ego, I’m breaking up with you. No more circular discussions, no more eleventh hour recriminations. We’re through. This is not an emotional decision. Actually, it doesn’t feel ...

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39K reads, 28 comments

A Walk in the Rain

Jeff Foster

As the story goes, I was walking through the rain on a cold Autumn evening in Oxford. The sky was getting dark; I was wrapped up warm in my new coat. And suddenly and without warning, the search for s...

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37K reads, 39 comments

Those Who Float

Daniel Gottlieb

Young as you are, I know you already know something about faith.  You have faith in your mother's arms.  That's a good start.  But later on, you'll find it gets more complicated. Not l...

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18K reads, 11 comments

Looking With Head, Heart, and Hands

Jane Rosen

When I speak of seeing, I feel that the mind is open and in a relationship to the hands working, which opens a feeling of being more fully alive. That is what I call seeing. More than one part of you...

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The Spirit Of Gift

Satish Kumar

We have learned much from the native Americans, the Australian Aboriginals, the indigenous people of India (adivasis) and the Bushmen of Africa. We have been guided by Jesus Christ, the Buddha, Mohamm...

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31K reads, 12 comments

A Whole New Dimension Of Love

Tenzin Palmo

Everything is flowing. And this flow isn’t made up only of external things. It includes relationships, too. Some relationships last for a long time, and some don’t—that’s the w...

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On Perfection and Priority

Thanissaro Bhikkhu

Determination seems to underlie all the perfections [of the mind]. There are four aspects to determination. You use your discernment to decide what you want to accomplish, to see how it best...

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12K reads, 10 comments

For an Addict

John O'Donohue

  On its way through the innocent night the moth is ambushed by the light, becomes glued to a window where a candle burns its whole self, its dreams of flight and all desire trapped in one...

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26K reads, 8 comments

Nature and Nonviolence

Thich Nhat Hanh

You don’t discriminate between the seed and the plant. You see that they ‘inter-are’ with each other, that they are the same thing. Looking deeply at the young cornstalk, you can s...

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28K reads, 5 comments

Past and Future: Two Streams of the Soul

Rudolf Steiner

Thus there are two streams, one from the past and one from the future, which come together in the soul -- will anyone who observes himself deny that? -- and produce a kind of whirlpool, comparable to ...

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Is the Universe Friendly?

Albert Einstein

 "I think the most important question facing humanity is, ‘Is the universe a friendly place?’ This is the first and most basic question all people must answer for themselves. &q...

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319K reads, 90 comments

Response Vs. Reaction


When I was 19 and 20, part of what drove my urge to awaken was that we were still in the midst of the Cold War, and it looked as though we might imminently drop bombs on each other. I saw the insanity...

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