Tale of Two Sermons

G.I. Gurdjieff

I must tell you that in our brotherhood there are two very old brethren; one is called Brother Ahl and the other Brother Sez. These brethern have voluntarily undertaken the obligation of periodically ...

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47K reads, 13 comments

Serving Is Different From Helping And Fixing

Rachel Naomi Remen

In recent years the question how can I help? has become meaningful to many people. But perhaps there is a deeper question we might consider. Perhaps the real question is not how can I help? but how ca...

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254K reads, 61 comments

Stop Shooting Arrows

Thanissaro Bhikku

The Buddha compares pain with being shot by arrows. Physical pain is like being shot with one arrow, but then on top of that you shoot yourself with another arrow, the anguish you build up around the ...

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15K reads, 22 comments

The Most Subversive Invitation

John O'Donohue

Humans have an uncanny ability to domesticate everything they touch. Eventually, even the strangest things become absorbed into the routine of the daily mind with its steady geographies of endurance, ...

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10K reads, 12 comments

Lessons From 25 Years of Meditating

Yogi Mccaw

I did meditate nearly everyday for about 25 years of my life, and some days, for hours on end. [...] Here's what I found.    1. meditation is not painful. [...] As the Buddha pointed out, ...

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37K reads, 22 comments

Processing Anger With An Open Heart

John Robbins and Ann Mortifee

Anger is an intense and primal expression of the life force, a burning flame that cannot be ignored. It is the psyche’s alarm system, demanding that attention be given to a limit or boundary of ...

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222K reads, 26 comments


Thich Nhat Hanh

Most of us experience a life full of wonderful moments and difficult moments. But for many of us, even when we are most joyful, there is fear behind our joy. We fear that this moment will end, that we...

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79K reads, 22 comments

Beyond The Conflict Of Inner Forces

Author Unknown

An old Cherokee is teaching his grandson about life: “A fight is going on inside me,” he said to the boy.”It is a terrible fight and it is between two wolves. One is evil – ...

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402K reads, 105 comments

Can You Love The One Who...

Leah Pearlman

There’s one in you who’s sweet.  There’s one in you who’s mean. Can you love them both? Can you let them both be seen?   Can you love the one who tries?  A...

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48K reads, 24 comments

Small Wonder

Barbara Kingsolver

Barry Lopez writes that if we hope to succeed in the endeavor of protecting natures other than our own, "it will require that we reimagine our lives.... It will require of many of us a humanity w...

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32K reads, 5 comments

Using Attention in a New Way

Gil Fronsdal

One of the things we are trying to do here, is learn to pay attention to seeing what complicates our attention -- where we get caught, what makes it difficult. Because the place we get caught is also ...

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65K reads, 15 comments

Gift from the Sea

Anne Morrow Lindberg

The beach is not the place to work; to read, write, or think. I should have remembered that from other years. Too warm, too damp, too soft for any real mental discipline or sharp flights of spirit. On...

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26K reads, 15 comments
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