What We Need Is Here

Wendell Berry

Horseback on Sunday morning, harvest over, we taste persimmon and wild grape, sharp sweet of summer's end. In time's maze over fall fields, we name names that rest on graves. We open a p...

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65K reads, 15 comments

Three Kinds of Laziness

Tenzin Palmo

The Buddha described three kinds of laziness. First there is the kind of laziness we all know: we don't want to do anything, and we'd rather stay in bed half an hour later than get up and medi...

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23K reads, 10 comments

The Capacity for Successful Solitude

Sherry Turkle

The capacity to be alone is the capacity to know enough about yourself and who you are, and be comfortable enough with that. That way, when you are with another person, you’re not trying to make...

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32K reads, 10 comments

The Day I Learned The Value of a Smile

Maya Angelou

My paternal grandmother who raised me had a remarkable influence on how I saw the world and how I reckoned my place in it. She was the picture of dignity. She spoke softly and walked slowly, with her ...

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28K reads, 13 comments

Beauty of the Mosaic

Rosalina Chai

For as long as I recall having memory, I've found mosaic incredibly mesmerising. Alongside the increasing presence of grey hair on my head grew my awareness of how aptly the mosaic can serve as a ...

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32K reads, 6 comments

The Delight in Exploring Inner Territory

Vimala Thakar

As long as we cling to the idea that this is "my mind, my own, personal mind," we will have a strong tendency to look as good as possible. But if we observe the mind from a non-personal view...

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13K reads, 8 comments

Presence: The Quality of Consciously Being Here

Kabir Helminski

A common theme runs through all the great spiritual traditions. It goes by many names – awakening, recollection, mindfulness, dhyana, remembrance, zhikr, presence – and by no name at all. ...

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30K reads, 4 comments

Sufficiency is Not Abundance

Lynne Twist

We can learn to invest the resources that flow through our lives in a new future for all of us. We can direct those resources, whether they are like a rushing torrent coming through our lives or a sma...

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33K reads, 21 comments

The Same Self Is in All of Us

Eknath Easwaran

The same spark of divinity–this same Self–is enshrined in every creature. My real Self is not different from yours nor anyone else’s. If we want to live in the joy that increases wit...

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29K reads, 12 comments

Absurd Heroism

Margaret Wheatley

Consider Sisyphus. As described in both Greek and Roman mythology, Sisyphus was condemned by the gods to an eternity of futile and hopeless labor. He had to roll a rock to the top of the mountain, onl...

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21K reads, 23 comments

Be Cool to the Pizza Dude

Sarah Adams

If I have one operating philosophy about life it is this: “Be cool to the pizza delivery dude; it’s good luck.” Four principles guide the pizza dude philosophy. Principle 1: Cooln...

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26K reads, 11 comments

I Have Decided to Stick With Love

Martin Luther King Jr.

I’m concerned about a better World. I’m concerned about justice; I’m concerned about brotherhood and sisterhood; I’m concerned about truth. And when one is concerned about that...

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95K reads, 16 comments
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