Your true mind is a mind of joy, free from all suffering. That is who you really are. That is the true nature of your mind and the mind of everyone. But your mind doesn't just sit there being perfect, doing nothing. It's at play all the time, creating your world.
Some audio clips from our circle of sharing on this passage ...
Very nie and in formative article. The rebel with in maks us reactive listener. Hence w should avoid this rebel.
Consider thoughts as dreams. We disregard the dreams we had last night, but believe absolutely in the wakeful dreams that pretend to be all important during our wakeful hours. In the sleep-state it is widely understood that we are unconscious, but if we believe in our thoughts/dreams while awake are we not also unconscious?
Consider also that the wakeful unconscious state is infinitely more dangerous because we are in position where unconsciousness can be acted upon and the consquences therefrom have the potential to do great harm.
This is why we practice, to bring the mindful state to our every moment. It is said that a true yogi never sleeps, even while resting with closed-eyes; awareness prevails.
anybody that tells you about me must have told others about
What a beautiful, beautiful reflection, Manisha. Thank you so much. It has brightened my day with the glow of awareness and compassion. :) Forever, an attempt to rebel!
The practicioners of "life beyond' strongly recommend lstening to the voice of subconcious mind, something akin to what happens we are in deep sleep.
They say that many a times our 'conscious' mind is at the cross purpose with our 'subconscious' mind.
The great artful skill [maturity / wisdom?!] lies in ability to choose the RIGHT one, before 'we're inspired [into] to take action'.
Certainly, one must have a REBEL WITHIN which will always provide the whrewithal for maintianing one's inner soul and external worldly wisdom on an always-upwardly direction so as to result in the ULTIMATE happiness at any given point of time.
Thanks much for the opportunity to respond. The only clarity I frequently experience is my not knowing. I'm very clear about being unclear. I often fool myself into thinking I am clear when I want others to be more like me. Unfortunately, that happens all too often. If I were more clear and more aware that I want people to see the world as I see it, there would be more peace and harmony in me and in the world. I too often wish to change other people rather than see that I need to accept everyone and everything as they are rather than change them to suit me. Once again my greatest clarity arises when I am clear about my not knowing, and when I am aware that my awareness is very limited but still fine. I find I am clearer when I remember to forgive myself often.Warm and kind regards to everyone.
How does the rebel within help me develop clarity?"