we are weavers
woven into and from
an ancient ever renewing fabric
on an invisible loom
more subtle than breath
at one turn
we pull
to add to our own design
to sing each life's most important song
i am, i belong
in another turn
we push
to etch the themes
built into pyramid, cathedral
and telescope, all designed to search
the mystery of hope & will
each of us, if our life is blessed,
leaves sufficient yarn
for the next generation
to pick up the many living threads
whose origins are beyond
the pure geometry of stars
and with bone and marrow shuttle
we leave the foundation
for those who will weave the fabric of tomorrow
Here is a poetic biography of Jon Madian.
SEED QUESTIONS FOR REFLECTION: How do you relate to the notion of being weavers woven into and from an ancient ever-renewing fabric? Can you share a personal story of a time you became aware of your part in leaving a foundation for those who will weave the fabric of tomorrow? What helps you develop gratitude for both the foundation you were given and the opportunity to leave a foundation for the next generation?