Don't Convince, Inspire

Author Unknown
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Every so often, we have an experience which changes our perception of the world. If we gain some immediate benefit or perhaps see a good potential for the future, we start to share it with others and furthermore, try to convince them. While it may be well intentioned, does it make sense?

When we convince someone of a certain concept, the person is convinced because of what we have said and not because of any insight into the issue. For instance, an individual looking at the sky through red sunglasses will see the sky as red. If we are using a pair of green shades, we can use all sorts of tactics of intimidation, power, guilt, theory, intellectual jargon, etc. to convince the other person to take of his/her glasses and put on our green glasses. Surely, we will convince the other person that the sky is green but that doesn't help. At another instance, that same person might put on another pair of shades and be convinced of yet another scenario.

If the person is to naturally experience their reality, he/she starts to live that experience rather than some illusionary concept or theory. However sure we are about a certain situation, convincing others serves no purpose simply because of the fact that convincing is needed. That is not to say that we just stay silent ... we might share our experience, we may explain our thinking, we may even help them, but in the end, all we can do is inspire others to investigate, to start an inner revolution, to see reality and not have to be convinced of it.

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