The Great Divide

Mark Vandeneijnde
349 words, 6K views, 5 comments


We are grateful to Rupali Bhuva for offering this hand-made painting for this reading.

The great divide:

On the left there is business
It loves to think and problem solve
Move fast and talk with resolve
Perform so hard it wears you down
If only it would stop to breathe and look around

On the right there is Heart
Gently offering to play its part
It looks around from 10ft above
And knows deep inside
The time has come to think out wide
But this seed of possibility
Dream of a new reality
Will wither away on its own
If it sits there all alone

These worlds seem so far away
Many think they don't belong
But like a lover gone astray
Who says that with the right song
They won't come out to play?

More than ever they need each other

One to listen and one to talk
One to pause and one to walk
One to dream and one to act
One to trust and one with facts
One to flow and one to plan
One to focus and one to expand
One to think and one to feel
One to stretch and one to heal
One to sense and one to see
One to Do and one to Be

Together they are whole
Like partnering the Ego and the Soul

Deep inside my Heart
I feel I have a role to play
In uniting these worlds so apart
Help them see a way

But where do I start?
I'm tired going it alone
Do you feel the same
Out there on your own?

Together we can heal, make it real
We can hold hands, reach out, build bridges
And when new perspectives are revealed
Like with a master piece of art
Our minds will open
To business with a Heart


Mark Vandeneijnde is an organizational consultant who nudges command-and-control efforts to move inspired leadership.