Brother David Steindl-Rast became a Benedictine monk in 1953 and got a PhD from Cornell. ​After a dozen years of monastic training, his abbot sent him to participate in Buddhist-Christian dialogue, for which he received Vatican approval. He has received many awards and authored numerous books, but the core of his message centers around gratefulness. You can read more about him in this profile: Lessons From a Benedictine Monk
SEED QUESTIONS FOR REFLECTION: What is a pledge that you are prepared to make in thanksgiving for life? How do you relate to the notion of fear being the root of all violence? Can you share a personal story where gratitude made a big difference in your life?
When we place what we want to over come first, in sentence or mind. It holds a place, the first place. Then we place something which needs to overcome the first place, and there is an effort to come to equal, balance with, then overcome the thing we placed first in sentence of mind.
When we simple place gratitude, generosity, creativity, non-violence, and courage in our sentence, or our mind, they fill the space just by themselves. Then we feel them, without another thought to over come. Then they fill, and over flow, and become the thought which is easy to realize just by itself, and as it fills the space of mind and being.
Br David, a very wise and wonderful human. This pledge is thought map for grateful living.
Touched by its simplicity and profoundness....every day deserves to be a thanks giving day! :)
This Thanksgiving I should try to be more thankful for all the good things I have been given in this life and not dwell on the "bad." And I need more Patience - I should try to think about Patience and be Thankful when I am more patient!
My thanksgiving pledge for LIFE, to AWAKEN to the sacred in the mundane moments of life flow along with the awe and wonder of the COSMOS by accepting moment to moment grace of existence.
I pledge to keep improving myself so I can always be the best me I can be , and thus be a better "giver".
wishing everyone a positive & joy-full holiday season. Grateful for this beautiful community.
In thanksgiving for life, I pledge to overcome judgment, which is the root of all "isms".
In thanksgiving for life, I pledge to pursue/keep God and His truth #1 in my life. As in doing this, all other GOOD and TRUE gifts flow;)
Pledge for Thanksgiving
I pledge to be Grateful and to share appreciation to all those who have assisted on the journey.
To be giving and caring through sharing my gifts and skill set with others.
To be content knowing I have enough, I am enough. I give enough.
To be vocally thankful.
Gratitude has mad a huge difference in my life; it reminds me of all the ways people and the universe have responded. When you give, you receive. This is not why we give, it is simply the law of nature. (I believe)
Being grateful and saying this to people in your life brings about positive energy in yourself and in others. It feels good to be appreciated. We all want to feel like we matter to someone. So sharing gratitude helps us all to rise up and feel good.
(apologies that my words may be very simple today, but my heart understands.)
HUGS to all of us on this Thanksgiving week. May we truly be grateful and may we express it outwardly.