Excerpted from here.
SEED QUESTIONS FOR REFLECTION: How do you relate to the notion that universality as an intellectual idea is damaging while as an experiential reality, it is a tremendous experience of life? Can you share a personal story of a time when you experienced universality as your reality as opposed to an intellectual idea? What helps you move toward the experiential reality of your own nature?
While universality as an experience is a tremendous and life changing experience, universality as an intellectual idea is no more damaging than any other intellectual idea. An intellectual idea can be an alternative to experiential reality, and it can be an entry point. You never know. In those times that I experience universality as my reality, I feel the universality/oneness/union in my being, and I feel a harmony with all that is. That experience and reminding myself of universality help me move toward and stay in the experience of universality.
My heart is one, my brain is one, my kidneys are two ... They are connected by a network of vessels that provide them oxygen and nourishment that they may continue to be "one". My body functions because of the "network" God created in me. There is no such thing as "one"! Universally connected are we.
When my heart, brain, kidneys no longer function, this body of mine looks forward to connecting with earth, my spirit with my Father and Heavenly family ... Universally. For God so loved THE WORLD. He connects us ...