by Parag Shah, on the occasion of his sister's birthday.
SEED QUESTIONS FOR REFLECTION: What does Nothingness mean to you? Can you share a personal story of a time you experienced Nothingness? What helps you stay rooted in Nothingness?
Amazing write up! Truly inspiring! How I wish to experience this nothingness!
Nothingness as per me is the quiet, peace, emptiness that is fulfilling. "Chidanand Roopam Shivoham Shivoham"
Thank you. Celebrated my 50th birthday on September 3rd by attending healing arts workshops all weekend. We explored nothingness, being fully present to the moment and to each other. To me nothingness is that sacred space where we realize we are enough simply in our existence and everyone around us is enough too. Experienced that so many times this weekend where all the noise disappeared and I felt at one in the moment and grounded and settled in. I felt enough. Breathing and focusing on being helps me stay rooted. Sometimes listening to water helps too or rain. <3
Thank you!!!!! It's my birthday soon. So I really appreciated this. Meditation helps me stay rooted in nothingness.
Dear Sir, To me nothingness i s to create space for you. It is you who has been lost for want of inothingness. Search your soul which will really and truly solace you.
" "Nothingness" does not mean emptiness or big void. It is a strong feeling when only one thing is experienced. When things get beyond our ability to cope with or change our situation, then we surrender to the almighty. At that moment we experience this unique, unified state of oneness with the flow of life. That I'd say is "Nothingness ".
Nothingness means no thingness, that is, pure being, pure process. pre-form, pre-manifest. The closest I've come to Nothingness is brief moments of being very much in the present with no attachment to thoughts, agendas, goals, or tasks. Such brief times have been experiences of intimacy such as while alone in meditation or in relationship with another. Such moments also occur when I am fully in the process of living and relating and not focused on outcome. Such moments are very alive. We are all rooted in Nothingness, though often not aware of it or respectful of it. Awareness of Nothingness, awareness of our rootedness in Nothingness, and brief experiences in Nothingness make for being in this world but not of it, and that awareness at least helps me stay rooted in awareness of Nothingness.