Alan Watts, a British philosopher, writer, and speaker, best known as an interpreter and populariser of Eastern philosophy for a Western audience. Excerpt is above Alan Watts from "Coincidence of Opposites" in the Tao of Philosophy lecture series, courtesy of Alan Watts Org.
SEED QUESTIONS FOR REFLECTION: How do you relate to living life as playing music? Can you share a personal story of a time you were able to experience life as a "musical thing"? What helps you avoid living a deferred-life plan for future success, and instead enjoy the music being played?
What an Extra Ordinary Message brought up by NIPUN. I wish every living human should get the message. Awesome and liberating at the same time. Now that it is known to me...the fall out is ......I am going to work at office is changed to I am going to office to work in rhythm with other colleagues and need of the job at hand......The end of becoming is fallen down and I stay afloat on the wave of time.....Thanks - NIPUN once again for marvelous contribution to society...
This is a beautiful passage. Humorous and yet pointing out deep truths at the same time. That we "play the piano" and not "work the piano" is such a wonderful point. Indeed, to be a good "player" in daily living is such a hard thing. Ironic but true! Points to the fact that perhaps what is needed is Unlearning of patterns. As we unlearn, play comes naturally.