The poem "Wild Geese", From Selected Poems of Wendell Berry.
SEED QUESTIONS FOR REFLECTION: How do you relate to the wisdom of "what we need is here?" Can you share a story of a time you came in touch with your truest reality through what was in front of you? How do you develop the eyes to see the deepest reality in front of you?
Past and future are imagination. Only the present is alive. Living and dying are happening right now, and what I need is here and now. The challenge is to be present, be responsive here and now to myself, to those I am relating to, and to the world I'm in. The only time I've come in touch with my truest reality is through being present to what was in me, in front of me, and around me, sharing and operating out of what I am experiencing. When I've done that in relating to others, the experience is rich. I develop the eyes to see the deepest reality by practicing being present. Spending time with someone who is good at being in the present was of great help to me in developing the eyes to see deeper..
Being clear in eye
Ah! that is surely worth praying for
Because I have eyes upon eyes upon eyes
Lenses upon lenses
Filters on filters...
In fleeting moments
I'm stripped of them
By a sharp sweet wild grape
And I glimpse raw reality
Uncut by words
Uncoloured by "me"
Each time I tried
To develop those eyes
I loaded with more and more
already-always "seeings"
But in rest and surrender
A rude shock of love comes
Sweeps me off my feet...
And tells me all I need is here