Georges Ivanovich Gurdjieff ​was an influential spiritual eacher of the early to mid-20th century.
SEED QUESTIONS FOR REFLECTION: How do you relate to the notion that there are many "I's" within you and each "I" has a different wish? Can you share a personal story of a time you became aware of the real "I" amidst the other "I's"? What is a test that helps you know that you have touched the real "I"?
Any example of HOW TO construct a new thought?
There are times in our life that we have this craving for many things, often we are not aware of what we wished for if its real for ourselves or behind that wish is a wish of many for you. Like this, I wish to be promoted and be in a higher position so I can gain material things like car, money and wealthy living. Behind this is I not realized that this I wished is not really all I wished for my self. I realized what I wished to have in life is to have a contentment of the heart which I can found through sharing of what I have. That behind that wished to have that higher position, is a wished to take that opportunity to touch the lives of many through the influence I have. That is where I realized which is me.
It is either I or the Whole. The multiple I has to merge with the whole to become one.This removes the chaos,corruption(wishes,desires,anger.................) and complexity within and facilitates the manifestation of the soul, the real I full of peace, love & strength. When this becomes natural & normal one finds oneself correcting the most important mistake.
To me, the real I, is the one that longs for a more conscious experience; the one that suddenly realizes, that the "I" that just reacted to a certain stimuli, did it as a result of a given conditioning. That realization, all of a sudden, offers an option, and that option can take the real I, out of the loop.
Who do you say that I am?
My "I" Gauge/Guide would be non other than God. If my husband, mother, son, friend were to answer that question it would not be entirely accurate. Since God knows my every thought, deed, weakness, strength, motivation, truth . . . I have to defer to my Father on this one.
I just hope His answer to the above question is (somewhat) close to my own. Blessings come when our "I's" come into perfect alignment. Amen.
In the West, we are taught that seeing the slivers of ourselves as parts of our whole represents mental illness! With paradigms like "The Three Faces of Eve" and "Sybil", we're anything but encouraged to patch together our real I. It wreaks havoc on ones grammar, however. Thanks to Gurdjieff, as ever.
There is a very powerful technique to explore these parts. It can be quite transformational. It is called Voice Dialogue, and has its roots in the work of Jung and Asserjoli,among others.
There is change, and there is stability. Yin and Yang. The both are true and neither is illusion. Since everything rises and passing away, change is inevitable and any effort to holding on (refuse to change) meets with misery and hopelessness. Since there is a stability and repetition of events in the constant flow of changes, cognition/recognition and consciousness are possible, and meaning and order are possible - life is possible. I have many, many identities, similar to I have many clothes, shoes etc. But I is not Identities, unless you intentionally and unintentionally treat them as the same. I offers stability and my identities change ... lol