From Rachel Naomi Remen's post on FB. ​Rachel Naomi Remen is a pioneer of Relationship Centered Care and Integrative Medicine. Her groundbreaking curriculumn, the Healer’s Art is now taught yearly in more than half of American medical schools and in medical schools in seven countries abroad.
SEED QUESTIONS FOR REFLECTION: How do you relate to the difference between education and training? Can you share an experience where this difference became clear to you? What is the dream that helps you endure a relentless pursuit of competency?
Very useful article. To me education is trusting that the wisdom is in every student and teacher's role is to create nurturing conditions for that wisdom to unfold. Whereas training is like,"I know something that you do not and I am here to tell you". This difference becomes clear to me in my role a 'facilitator' and not as a 'trainer' in various group gatherings that I facilitate, irrespective of the subject matter.
Education is filling an empty glass and training is filling the half-filled or over-filled or glasses filled with contaminated water. Training works on margins and gaps and education works on vacuums.
Education is information facts figures already existing and availble in this world in form of knowledge guidance experience wher as training is coaching is focused guidles to perform a activity .
education is tool to discover and know oneself wher as training is wrking instructios to achievea particular desired result
We train kids for invention and innovation careers which are the highest paying in the market.
We are in the process of creating a revolution in the world of education with innovation making every kid maximize on the inner potential
We are opening space exploration schools in India in 2017 to promote invention ,innovation and scientific creativity in kids for an entrepreneurship career in life.
The purpose of education is to let you discover your own heart's drumbeat so you can march to it. Sadly, like the healthcare system, the education system too has stifled individual creativity in favor of conformity, and too many people get trained to do what they were never meant to, and then slavishly stay with it as it 'pays the bills'. I like the message "I AM ENOUGH". I'd like to add "I HAVE ENOUGH" to stop the compensatory over-consumption all around,
As a Storyteller who facilitates workshops I resonate very much with this post. The difference between how you describe education and training came clear to me in Belize where I coordinated a volunteer literacy program. As I became more and more open to a dual learning, ie. students as teachers, teachers as students, I noticed a much deeper impact of the program over time. It is understandable why; locals felt heard, valued and understood and thus their participation became greater. We ALL learned and it was wonderful and mind expanding.
The dream of connecting and understanding one another drives me to continue in pursuing competency.
Here's to learning from each other.