SEED QUESTIONS FOR REFLECTION: How do you understand the difference between knowledge and understanding? Can you share a personal story that illustrates the difference? How can we move from knowledge to understanding, from knowing to being?
Knowledge is information ~ wisdom is being and living the knowledge learned over a life time.
If 100 Brothers (for example) were to give an identical, "scripted sermon", I'd be willing to bet, a single listener would get 100 different "understandings" from that singe message. In my opinion, "the word" and it's "speaker" commingle. One cannot separate one from the other!
The delivery and reception of a message passes through a variety of very personal channels before it exits a mouth and enters an ear! A mind, a heart, a spirit, a personality, an energy, a degree of passion, a reality, a level of knowledge, an understanding, an experience and (of course) the DNA . . . of the speaker AND the listener . . . all play out in "the processing".
Always Love . . . Enjoyed the article!
I don't believe the problem is with the speakers but with the listeners it's through focus and reflection that we can internalize both messages..While a younger brother can motivate , move us,and touch our hearts instantly,because the older is more difficult to understand and not as flowing with his words we're forced to really concentrate ,While we gain knowledge through both it's through internalizing we gain understanding