by Alan Briskin, co-author The Power of Collective Wisdom.
SEED QUESTIONS FOR REFLECTION: How do you relate to the notion of needing preparation for the extraordinary to be received in our life? Can you share a personal story of a time when you realized how you were co-creating the group experience while also being impacted by it? What helps you remain aware that you are both a composer of the group field and part of the composition?
I've also had the experience of getting up very early to meditate with a group for short periods of time (weeks). At some level, on any given day, "I" doesn't want to do this, and it's this setting aside of "I" that seems to prepare the field for the extraordinary to happen.
As for needing preparation, you never know. It may help and it may not. The challenge is knowing what is the preparation for the extraordinary to be received. I have found that the main preparation is the doing. I recall being in a group experience in which I was very involved and I was cocreating the experience while simultaneously being impacted by it. My realizing this was minimal as it was happening and became clear afterwards. What helps me remain aware that I am both a composer of the group field and part of the composition is knowing that all that is is inseparably interconnected and correlated. How could being both composer and part of the composition be otherwise?