A few of many that stood out for me are: 1) The right time is now because now I feel enthused, and it quickly passes and becomes another missed opportunity. 2) It's true that everything before 'but' is not fully true. 3) Forgiveness is a gift to ourselves -- a big gift. 4) Most criticism is better not said -- it's unwanted, unhelpful, and it hurts. 5) Speak your truth confidently, plus be open and listen. 6) There's much more value in reinforcing good behavior than punishing bad behavior. 7) Embrace detours -- they're full of surprise and life. 8) Understand self by reflecting on what you find irritating in others -- that is very true. 9) The long haul one step at a time very much exceeds the value of a flash in the pan. 10) Copy others briefly, be yourself longterm. As for uncomfortable conversations, it is in those in which we are open, sincere, honest that we grow. I'm glad that I am naturally often astonished -- it gives me joy and helps me be alive. What helps me dance in the rain is knowing it rains often, it's often fun to dance in the rain, there's much to learn from it, and waiting for a storm to pass may mean wasting a lot of time. Most waiting is a waste. (If this reflection appeared more than once, I apologize -- problem getting my computer to do what I wanted.)
On Aug 20, 2022 David Doane wrote :