Reading this passage reminds me of the chant I do before I do my daily medition : "OM asato ma sadgamaya, tamso ma jyotir gamaya, mrityor ma amritam gamaya. OM shantihi, shantihi, shantihi. Om! Lead me from the unreal to the Real, from darkness to Light, from death to Immortality. OM.Shantihi, Shnatihi, Shantihi. Peace. Peace, Peace. We are looking for eternal peace. It is my understanding that real peace comes from inside, not from outside. It comes from silence when all the external and internal noises fade away. Peace is already and forever dwells in Silence. I hear the voice of Peace when my mind is silent. In the silence I hear the sound of Peace within me, without me, without then, without there but in the Presence, Here, and Now. It is like the clear sky with no clouds. It is in the present moment.
When I meditate, when my mind is not enaged in the past and the future, but in the now and here consciousness I abide in the flow of full and clear consciousness, and that is I. As long as the flame in my mind is flickering I cannot see the ligh within me, the light of awareness of pure or transcental consciousness which is always present, always free.
I havebe been learning the power of "now consciousness" by practicing Mindfulness Meditation regularly. Practincing Mindfulness Meditaion regularly helps me see and disperse the clouds of ignorance and delusion and that way I see the luminous light that shines within us for ever. I also live mindfully so that I do not reside in the self-created prision in me. Practing mindfulness and living mindfully helps me to be liberated from myself-created bondage. May we all get awakened and get connected with the Divine light of awareness.
Jagdish P Dave.
On Jul 15, 2022 Jagdish P. Dave wrote :