Genuine or true life is not scripted in advance by somebody. It is spoantaneous and growing from the source within. Life is like a garden. It has its own roots. Its own source. It needs nurturing that comes from
within. When parents raise their children they naturally provide nurturients to thier childrren. They love them unconditionally. They do not write their children's scripts. As the children grow and learn from their expereinces they write their own scripts, They find their own destination. They become their authentic selves.
I have learnt from my experiences that there aree different paths to self-realization. As the Rigveda says, there are different paths to know the Truth. And that is freedom. I learned this truth by being with people with different religious orentations without imposing their belief system on others who are different from their religious orientatons. I have also met people who believe that thieir religious orientatin is superior to others' religious orientations. Sadly there have been religous wars in wich thousands of people have been kiled and holy places have been destroyed.
How do we relate to the mother earth makes a big difference. Do we relate to the earth as source or as resource? When we relate to the earth as source we relate to it as a source of nuturing like our mother. But if we relate to the earth as a resource we exploit it for our own gains. This way of relating to the earth has caused huge problems. Sadly we are exploting many natural resources for our own benefits without realizing that we are a part of nature and not apart from nature. Hurting nature is hurting ourselves. It is time to wake up and see the truth. And we all need to join our hands to save and preserve our mother earth.
Jagdish P Dave
On Jul 11, 2022 Jagdish P. Dave wrote :