Elizabeth Gilbert 652 words, 24K views, 18 comments
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On May 14, 2022David Doane wrote :
Being an agent of illumination means to me to let my inner light shine. My inner light is the Light as it shines through me as what I am experiencing, as my feeling or insight or idea. It's my truth. It's often thinking outside the box. Being an agent of that inner illumination means for me to rise above a situation rather than be stuck in it, and have the courage to express and use the inner illumination to make a positive contribution to the situation rather than do nothing or commit some negative action. For example, I told Joe I felt uncomfortable hearing his lengthy self-berating and feeling sorry for himself. My discomfort was my light, and my sharing it with him with care seemed to be a light for him on what he was doing, and he proceeded to self-berate and feel sorry for himself less. What helps me be the light is to look for it, pay attention to it and value it, and have the courage to offer it and let it shine in a positive way.
On May 14, 2022 David Doane wrote :