Thank you so much for this beautiful text from Siddhartha, which is one of my favourite books! It is so true that the river is everywhere at the same time and always now :)
When I was younger I practiced whitewater kayaking, and the time felt expanded when being in the river or around it, one also had to be fully present while kayaking. I know is not what Hesse means in Siddhartha, but for me the river was/is sacred, and usually between trips I would think about being there with nostalgia. When I was back in the river, the time I had not been there, was gone, like vanished. During the day the river was the center of attention, and at night the milky way stars shining above our heads, the sound of the ever present river and our conversations, laughter and silence had a really magical effect, we felt connected with nature and with everything and everyone. Hearts were filled with love. Time was non-existent.
On Apr 18, 2022 Claudia wrote :