You can't get there from here means to me that you can't get there because there is no there. There exists only in imagination so you can only get to there in your imagination. There is here once you get there. There are times I let go of all expectations and am simply present, attentive to and responsive to what I am experiencing and what is happening now. What helps me be fully in the present is knowing I'm alive only in the present, and I like being alive. It also helps me to know I have some control in the present and don't have control of the future, so it makes more sense to be present. Also, intimacy is in being in the present, and I seem to never have enough intimacy so wanting intimacy helps me be present. It helps to not have expectations because they take me away from the present and into thinking or imagining future. Practice being present of course helps to improve being present.
On Apr 10, 2022 David Doane wrote :