I have many times, as I think we all have, experienced "ah-ha" moments just as I'm falling asleep or waking up, or in the shower not thinking but just enjoying the feeling of the water on my skin. These are those moments when I'm truly not thinking, but just being, and it's in those moments that insight flashes in.
A few years ago I painted a large picture of a flower, and wrote along the edges of each petal things like this:"The truth lies in the infinitesimal moment between standing on the edge and stepping off of it into the unknown; the truth lies along the edges between the darkest hour and the dawn of light; truth reveals itself in that unguarded moment of that first sip of orange juice; the truth lies in the effortless unfolding into the light and into lightness." How is it that I forget these things so much of the time?
On Feb 21, 2022 Jennifer wrote :