As humans we all go through painful emotions like fear, worry, anxietty, grief, anger, and sadness. Sometimes we divert our mind, avoid facing and going through painful emotins. We use a variety of strategies such as avoidnace, rationalization, suppresion, repression or denail. This may help us for a while but it will bounce back with more vigor and force. Instead of facing and working through difficult emotion we may Cognitively Bypass by detouring into cognitive ideas or beliefs.
When my wife passed away it was difficult for me to face my grief and go throuh it. It was too much for me to bear the burden of the loss of my dear one. Instead of denying my grief I embraced my grief mindfully.
It took some time for me to heal my emotional pain.
I have been practicing Mindfulness Meditation for quite some time. It has helped me to act wisely. There are four interrealated four components if Mindfulness: Focused attention, Loving Awareness, Acknoledgement and Compasssion and loving Kindness. Practicing mindfulness transforms my negative and harmful energy loop into
constructive and healing energy loop.
May we all learn how to face adversity and pain lovingly and kindly.
Jagdish P Dave
On Feb 19, 2022 Jagdish P Dave wrote :