Love means abiding in togetherness,oneness, unity. Unconditional means no condition, no ulterior motive, no agenda, no goal. Unconditional love means oneness without condition or motive. Ram Dasssaysloveis "like sunshine, a natural force, a completion of what is, a bliss." I have felt such bliss in feeling togetherness, oneness, unity in relating to some people and in relation to some natural events. In love or oneness a feeling of bliss or awe comes over me like a wave that seems to touch and move me throughout my body and soul, filling me fully. I have felt some amount of that many times, the intensity of it related to the extent of togetherness or oneness I felt. What helps me enter the state of "being love" is awareness that all creation is one, that I am part of all creation, and that I am one with the person or object in my presence.
On Nov 27, 2021 David Doane wrote :