I feel like I understand what you are saying. Certain groups of people have created "entities" such as "Germany" and most corporations, composed of many individual persons. Yet as a collective, we have been convinced that these entities are somehow real. They have Articles of Incorporation, names and numbers. They have licensing agencies which cosign on their existence. We refer to them in language as though they are something more than just an idea, just a name. We have passed laws which "defend" these ideas(entities?) The purpose of these entities seems to be protect the individual humans running them. The "entity" existsto pose as the "fall guys" for the undesireable consequences of greedy actions that they take, namely causing suffering for other sentient beings.
The persons in the decision-making roles don't want to suffer the consequences of the harm that their practices inflict, so they create a corporation, or a nation, which cannot suffer. No individual will be incarcerated for contributing to the suffering and demise of millions in the service of profit by covering the destruction with a banner of a corporate entity, which obvious cannot suffer because it is not physical. The employees of that corporation can be let go (suffering?). The share holders can lose money (suffering?), but can the highest level executive decision makers actually go to jail, wear the orange jumpsuit, and sit in the cell for years? I believe the creation of the corporate entityensures that no individual decision maker may be held accountable for the damage to the sentient beings, human, animal, plant (research shows they are sentient) rocks (?), (they do produce vibrational frequencies, LCD etc) that they harm or destroy.
It's a trick to externalize the consequences of their greed. Like the Coca-Cola company, the largest manufacturer of plastic bottles, lobbies to make laws that protect it's top executives from legal liability, and puts the onusof recycling on the end user versus fixing the problem at the top. It's overwhelming to be responsible for the fact that everything we use and drink comes in a single use plastic bottle, which ends up in the ocean or the landfill for God knows how long. Yet, Coca-Cola keeps on quietly churning out billions of new bottles. What if our world decided that it was a crime to manufacture things without a plan to safely unmanufacture them?
Externalization of the negative consequences of greed and power. That seems to be the purpose of these fictional entities.As it stands, the driving force is shareholder profit, and externalization of risk and harm.
I believe that if our contrived laws, often created by richest and most powerful organizations in their own service, were scrapped in favor of individual accountability for damage-inflicting practices, much, much more thought and apprehension would come into play prior to enacting policies. This would be a different world. A better world.
On Nov 16, 2021 Erin Kerr wrote :
The persons in the decision-making roles don't want to suffer the consequences of the harm that their practices inflict, so they create a corporation, or a nation, which cannot suffer. No individual will be incarcerated for contributing to the suffering and demise of millions in the service of profit by covering the destruction with a banner of a corporate entity, which obvious cannot suffer because it is not physical. The employees of that corporation can be let go (suffering?). The share holders can lose money (suffering?), but can the highest level executive decision makers actually go to jail, wear the orange jumpsuit, and sit in the cell for years? I believe the creation of the corporate entityensures that no individual decision maker may be held accountable for the damage to the sentient beings, human, animal, plant (research shows they are sentient) rocks (?), (they do produce vibrational frequencies, LCD etc) that they harm or destroy.
It's a trick to externalize the consequences of their greed. Like the Coca-Cola company, the largest manufacturer of plastic bottles, lobbies to make laws that protect it's top executives from legal liability, and puts the onusof recycling on the end user versus fixing the problem at the top. It's overwhelming to be responsible for the fact that everything we use and drink comes in a single use plastic bottle, which ends up in the ocean or the landfill for God knows how long. Yet, Coca-Cola keeps on quietly churning out billions of new bottles. What if our world decided that it was a crime to manufacture things without a plan to safely unmanufacture them?
Externalization of the negative consequences of greed and power. That seems to be the purpose of these fictional entities.As it stands, the driving force is shareholder profit, and externalization of risk and harm.
I believe that if our contrived laws, often created by richest and most powerful organizations in their own service, were scrapped in favor of individual accountability for damage-inflicting practices, much, much more thought and apprehension would come into play prior to enacting policies. This would be a different world. A better world.