Upon reflection I feel that self-kindness and self-compassion is such a challenge at times. Often it seems intricately connected with unhealed past trauma. Self-esteem for similar reasons seems conditional and dependent on the successful outcome of intentional pursuits.Since I recently retired I am going through the relinquishment of an identity that had been firmly grounded and become fixed in the work I loved. I notice an absence of self-compassion asI am struggling with a sense of increased uncertainty of purpose and transformation of identity. My meditation practice is my medicine (which paradoxically I am at times reluctantto take) and a best way for me to process my troubles. As is physical work in the garden, being in nature, and making room for and friends with all emotions, regardless how uncomfortable -- . When I hold still long enough, meditation and mindfulness is self-kindnesspractice that gets me in touch with the peace within that is always there, independently and unconditionally. I relax into the understanding that underneath all the ongoing mental narratives I am enough.
End of Search Results
On Oct 28, 2021David Doane wrote :
Hi -- I'm getting close to retiring (I initially wrote closed to retiring) soon, and I appreciate what you said. Thanks for sharing. I particularly appreciated your last two sentences ie getting in touch with the peace within that is always there and knowing "I am enough." Retiring is a big transition that I tell myself and hope will open new doors and allow more time for endeavors I'd like to have more time for. I wish you well in your retirement/new chapter.
On Oct 26, 2021 Dagmar wrote :