Balancing life in all areas of our life is the key to to living wisely. Too much or too littlecan't burn the fire of life. Too much foodot too little food intake has nam impact on our life energy. Hoe much we eat and what kind of food eat has a strong impact not only our physicaland mental health but also on the environmental well-being.Moderation in all areas of our life. Too much of even a good thing, like eating too much good food can create health problems.
Being born and raised in a simple- living family laid the foundation for moderation mi my life. It has taughtme how to to create a balance in different areas of my life. My parents taught me when to talk , what to say,, how to talk and when to be quiet. These are the gifts of life that I have received from my parents and I am very grateful to them for such gifts.
Being mindful of what is going in my mind, talking a pause, and decide what is the right thing to do. It's creating a balance between when to between presence and absence. It is learning when to yes and no. What to take in and what to reject. As I have mentioned before this principle applies in all walks of my life.
May we learn the art of balancing our life for our personal life as well as social life.
Jagdish P Dave'
End of Search Results
On Sep 10, 2021Jo wrote :
"What to take in and what to reject", pops for me...
On Sep 4, 2021 Jagdish P Dave wrote :
Being born and raised in a simple- living family laid the foundation for moderation mi my life. It has taughtme how to to create a balance in different areas of my life. My parents taught me when to talk , what to say,, how to talk and when to be quiet. These are the gifts of life that I have received from my parents and I am very grateful to them for such gifts.
Being mindful of what is going in my mind, talking a pause, and decide what is the right thing to do. It's creating a balance between when to between presence and absence. It is learning when to yes and no. What to take in and what to reject. As I have mentioned before this principle applies in all walks of my life.
May we learn the art of balancing our life for our personal life as well as social life.
Jagdish P Dave'