Based on my reading of the excerpt, i really feel like it should say, "because meditation is NOT your natural state, presence IS" (added "not" in the statement).
Hence,logistical question: could it be that we are incorrectly attributing this as "excerpted from I Am"? i just downloaded the pdf of the book and tried to search for this line and couldn't find it anywhere. or did we paraphrase what we thought the author was saying?
End of Search Results
On Aug 12, 2021David Doane wrote :
I don't know about the accuracy of the quote, but I do wonder if meditation and presence are our natural state and we have gotten very far awayfrom our natural state, and that is what the author is getting at. I do appreciate your putting thought and research into the topic.
On Aug 19, 2021Somik Raha wrote :
Nilesh, thank you for this comment. Our team did review the source and we have reproduced it faithfully here. We added the link to the source on this piece so you can check. As an aside, sometimes these passages do make us reflect more than usual. :)
On Aug 10, 2021 Nilesh Thali wrote :
Hence,logistical question: could it be that we are incorrectly attributing this as "excerpted from I Am"? i just downloaded the pdf of the book and tried to search for this line and couldn't find it anywhere. or did we paraphrase what we thought the author was saying?