Virginia Satir was a good lady and therapist. I liked and learned from her. I am the result of what life does to me plus what I do with life. I was dealt a hand; how I play the hand is up to me. I have limited freedom and power to engineer me. I take ownership of all that. As for my conditioning, I long ago learned to own it and I claimed my freedom to participate in my evolution, each of which is an ongoing process. What helps me stay committed to finding solutions, which are partial and temporary, while being rooted in friendship to myself is my knowing that I am to grow,ongoingly own and become more of who and what I am, and my faith in fostering friendship, that is, kindness and care, toward all creation including myself. Unfortunately I'm often less kind and caring toward myself than toward others which is one of those puzzles I continue to address.
On Jun 12, 2021 David Doane wrote :