It's been said to put your money where your mouth is. At least as important is to put your path or make your path where your heart is. All existence is one. We are one. What we do to anyone we do to everyone. So, it makes good sense to be caring and attentive to one and all, which endeavor matters the most and is fantastic and grand. Your heart is more likely to know that than your brain. Go your heart path. Every moment is an opportunity for one's heart to open. Some opportunities I take, and when I do, I'm present, open, honest, and compassionate from my heart, with no agenda or goal which come from thinking. What helps me live my heart path is trusting my heart, knowing that compared to my head my heart is less conditioned and less conniving, more present and primitive, more real and honest.
On May 28, 2021 David Doane wrote :