Having been born as an earthling my fulcrum is by default based near the earth. In fact it appears most of the time to be on the earth itself and I have almost no leverage except the brute force I can summon of my physicality and basic being force. The action and results of my efforts are short-sighted, bigoted, usually unwise - amplifiedmanifold if all others around me are of the same level of being. And a lot of effort is needed, expended and there will be burn out.
However as my perspective broadens and my being evolves, not only does the fulcrum shift a bit away from the 'earth' but the capacity for leverage also increases in proportion to the intensification of the contemplativeand non-identified statein me. My perspective progressivelycan become global, cosmic and ,potentially, even divine ('Thy will' does get done). And the personal energy and what can be evoked in others, I have heard, becomes as though connected to a large reservoir.
On May 18, 2021 Gururaj wrote :
However as my perspective broadens and my being evolves, not only does the fulcrum shift a bit away from the 'earth' but the capacity for leverage also increases in proportion to the intensification of the contemplativeand non-identified statein me. My perspective progressivelycan become global, cosmic and ,potentially, even divine ('Thy will' does get done). And the personal energy and what can be evoked in others, I have heard, becomes as though connected to a large reservoir.