Albert Einstein 240 words, 323K views, 90 comments
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On Mar 17, 2021JR wrote :
My own opinion is that the universe is unfriendly. I say this based on my own experience of the universe. All societies that I know about are in the process of deconstructing themselves. All of the good that has been achieved in the past couple of thousand years is currently being undone by the collective evil of every Government on earth. So based purely on my direct experience of dealing with authority on earth alone, my conclusion is that the universe is hostile. If not then we can only hope that a proper benevolent alien civilization will invade earth and dispose of everyone currently helping to perpetuate the evil and claiming that "they're only doing their job". It's possibly a vain hope but we can't lose hope.
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On Apr 3, 2021Jared wrote :
Friend, we as people are able to choose happiness and friendliness unhappiness and abuse.
We make things good or evil by our choices. I am sure if you and I meet that we would become friends and create our own friendly universe. Why? Because I choose to believe we are good at our core if given the opportunity.
Let's not lose hope, Iagree and stand up again evil by being better than any other people in all of history. Then we will defeat evil.
On May 2, 2021Alex Ermenkov wrote :
The UNIVERSE is neither FRIENDLY nor UNFRIENDLY. The UNIVERSE is. WHO you ARE. It is always an expression of US.
It is always perfect as it is In each moment of existence YET it's destined to BE what we will BECOME
On Mar 17, 2021 JR wrote :