On my near daily tromps through the woods near my home I have a small practice of kindness that I offer to my fellow hikers who I am approaching from the rear. I always say "Coming up from behind, please don't be startled." One day I offered my practice to a more elderly than me gentleman. As he began to turn around he said "Oh I won't be startled." Then when he laid eyes on me he said "Well maybe I will." We both had a twinkle in our eyes as we both knew that he was referring to seeing a Black woman coming up behind him, a White man. There are not many Black people where I live so yes my unexpected presence sometimes startles folks. We both burst into spontaneous laughter and as I passed him and said "enjoy your walk." He responded "I will now as you have made my day a little less lonely." That was an unexpected watering of my little practice that I continue to offer wondering when I might make someone's day again. I love how Remen'sstory called to me to reflect on how I have and can continue my own gentle watering of life in all its glorious forms.
On Dec 28, 2020 Beverly wrote :