I believe the first two narratives, ie, a time of business as usual and a time of unraveling, are the usual progression of individuals and institutions, and the third narrative, ie, a time of a great turning that is life sustaining, is the evolution of some individuals and institutions. We rigidifyat a level of functioning until the diminishing returns and entropy result in either a great turning or death. My own spirituality went through that progression. I went through a business as usual unquestioning phase in which I took for granted the religious truths I was taught, then went through a phase of unraveling and collapse of my core religious truths, and then went through an inner transition to a life sustaining spirituality that reconnects me to myself, to others, and to all creation. What helps me become aware of this story for myselfis the intolerable emptiness in staying in businessas usual; questioning and letting go of business as usual; openness to learn from outside business as usual; trust in following truth outside business as usual; and willingness and courage to go into the unknown.
On Nov 6, 2020 David Doane wrote :