I have come to trust my inner guidance, which I recognize as the power of love within me. It is that part of me that is an extension of the loving, intelligent power from which I emerged - sometimes called God, or Source or the Universe or many other names. It is my true identity, but I have not yet been able to experience myself in that way. So, I think of this part of me as a wise friend who knows much more than I do and whom I can trust. It has often led me to places or people I could never have known to seek out on my own. It has inspired choices that my that logical mind would never have made – choices that brought me to exactly where I needed to be at that time in my life. We all have this wisdom within us. We just need to call on it and learn to listen, then trust it enough to take the inspired action. There is no security in the outer world that we can trust better than the security within.
On May 12, 2020 Patricia wrote :