As Richard Rohr says, silence is a primal presence. It can be very helpful in finding stillness, finding one's inner core, one's real self, one's connection to all that is or Being. Being can be found in silence, and we often talk or make noise to avoid being. I assume pure action is Being-based action, and pure action often proceeds from deep silence. All that said, nothing is always, and there are no guarantees. Pure action may also proceed from sound. Reality isn't just the closest ally of God -- Reality (or creation) is God incarnate. Silence, particularly inner silence, can help you realize that and can help you embrace your experience, and you can abide in inner silence even when there is no outer silence. When I am in the present and reflective or meditative, tuned in to what I am experiencing, I return to the core, the pause, the discontinuity. What helps me have times of being in the present is the peace and joy experienced in those times. What helps me is turning my attention inward and noticing what I am experiencing in the moment.
On Apr 25, 2020 David Doane wrote :