When I read Silence passage by Jean Klein, image of womb came to my mind. It is the doorway to life. Womb represents life itself and it is the ground on which another life comes into the world. Then came the image of sky. Then the Sanskrit word for sky — Akasa. It is the primordial first element out of five elements that create life. Interestingly Akasa is only acknowledged in India as the fifth element (or the first). The West acknowledges only four elements — Air, Water, Fire and Earth. Even Chinese do not acknowledge sky.
Sky represents silence. It is the ground on which all other elements come to life. silence and sound are sensory perceptions associated with sky. sensory perception associated with air is touch or feeling. For fire, it is vision or image. For water, it is taste and for earth, it is smell. So the creation of universe begins with sound and the origin seems to be silence.
When I look at this image taken early in the morning — the mist, the trees, the ground, the doorway and the pathway with nobody or no animal in sight, I experience the silence. The silence that is the ground of everything.
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On Jan 6, 2020Halldor wrote :
Thank you for enlarging the vision of meaning behind the extraordinary and inspiring writing by Jean Klein
On Jan 14, 2020rany wrote :
Wow! Like silence mean is 'origin of life'. This meaning came to me when i finished reading your sharing. And it is so powerful. Thank you so much. Ive just learned 'Akasha' word.
"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." Silence made me suitable to hear that Word, to feel the God. Ohh! Such a fascinating!
On Jan 3, 2020 Prasad Kaipa wrote :
Click on the image for higher-res photo.