When I read this poem, it brought me warm memories of reading it the first time several years ago and having a meaningful discussion about consciousness and nature. When I felt that oneness, a generous wholeness where there are no distinctions, no separation and no names, I felt just happy — not happy about something or because I got something. I was just happy — was filled with unending joy and there was no center or identity to connect with that happiness. I felt as if I have no beginning or ending. No past or future. I was rock, chair, flower, tree, bird and the person whom I used to really dislike. Everything and everybody is me and I am everybody. I stayed in that state for about 6 hours and the fragrance of that experience remained with me for a month.
When I am with people like Viral, Jayesh Bhai and Harshada didi, I feel that vastness of experience.
This is a photo of Malleswaram (Bangalore) flower market. What I saw was an abundance of joy in the form of flowers, garlands and people. So many colors, names, fragrances and forms. Underneath all of them I saw beauty, elegance and joy.
The poem and the photo reminded me of a statement from Taitriya Upanishad — Satyam Jnanam Anantam Brahma. It means the consciousness is truth, perspective and joy as Anantam is also understood as Anandam in Vedanta.
On Dec 9, 2019 Prasad Kaipa wrote :
Click on the image for higher-res photo.