I can't think of a more significant, meaningful or beautiful thing that could be gifted to a person upon birth, death and in between. I went to a workshop years ago where we were instructed on how to create our own song! First, after meditation and some journaling, we were to form a very short phrase of what we desired most in life. Mine was "to be understood and loved." To this we added, May (your name) know _______. Mine went "May Clarice know she is understood and loved." Then, he played some examples of short melodies on the piano so that we could get the gist, and surprisingly, my tune came to me, and I created my own song. That was about 7-10 years ago, and I had forgotten about it until now. When I summoned up my song, it came right to me (I was so surprised!), and I sang it to myself and felt the warmth of my love and that of the collective pour over me, and the gratitude of the people in my life that make me feel accepted and understood, along with the gratitude I have for feeling my own deep connection to myself. It really does work! I am SO grateful to have read this wonderful post. Thank you so much! I will again make singing my song to myself part of my daily practice, and maybe have the courage to have the dear ones in my life sing it to me (that is a more challenging piece, but the thought brings a spark of light...) Love, Clarice
On Dec 3, 2019 Clarice wrote :