I love this reflective reading on Love.Love gives birth to life, nourishes it, sustains it, enriches it and lets it bloom and blossom.This is what a mother does for the child she bears and provides nurturing and blossoming energy to her child.Such love does not have criteria or conditions set in advance to meet to be loved.Love is spontaneous and unconditional. It is beyond right or wrong. Love's hands are always open to give and receive. Giving becomes receiving and receiving becomes giving. We witness such love in nature, in animals and in us as humans.
I have experienced such love from my parents, brothers, sisters friends, teachers and my students and at times from strangers..And they have experienced it from me too.It is a natural flow of life sustaining and flourishing energy.Love bubbles from within.It cannot be poured from outside.It is like feeling the touch of water, wind, and a loving hand. It is like smelling fragrance coming from a flower or a smile sparkling on a face with no apparent reason. When I hold a crying child in my hands, it creates a deep bonding between me and the crying child.There si no guide book or prescription for it.It just happens.Such experiences are very precious and rich. They make our day, our night and our life.
What blocks the flow of such a natural energy? We all know the answers because we have experienced both the natural flow of energy and the blockage of the flow of love energy.When I become self-centered and self serving, place conditions for relating to the other, build up expectations from the other or relate to the other out of obligations or fear, the pure joy of loving goes out of windows. It is like going back to sleep and continue living in the illusory dream! We all in varying degrees have lived in these two cities; The city of illusion or the city of Maya, and the city of Love or Prem.
May our life touch and be touched by the pure water of Love!
On Sep 4, 2015 Jagdish P Dave wrote :
I love this reflective reading on Love.Love gives birth to life, nourishes it, sustains it, enriches it and lets it bloom and blossom.This is what a mother does for the child she bears and provides nurturing and blossoming energy to her child.Such love does not have criteria or conditions set in advance to meet to be loved.Love is spontaneous and unconditional. It is beyond right or wrong. Love's hands are always open to give and receive. Giving becomes receiving and receiving becomes giving. We witness such love in nature, in animals and in us as humans.
I have experienced such love from my parents, brothers, sisters friends, teachers and my students and at times from strangers..And they have experienced it from me too.It is a natural flow of life sustaining and flourishing energy.Love bubbles from within.It cannot be poured from outside.It is like feeling the touch of water, wind, and a loving hand. It is like smelling fragrance coming from a flower or a smile sparkling on a face with no apparent reason. When I hold a crying child in my hands, it creates a deep bonding between me and the crying child.There si no guide book or prescription for it.It just happens.Such experiences are very precious and rich. They make our day, our night and our life.
What blocks the flow of such a natural energy? We all know the answers because we have experienced both the natural flow of energy and the blockage of the flow of love energy.When I become self-centered and self serving, place conditions for relating to the other, build up expectations from the other or relate to the other out of obligations or fear, the pure joy of loving goes out of windows. It is like going back to sleep and continue living in the illusory dream! We all in varying degrees have lived in these two cities; The city of illusion or the city of Maya, and the city of Love or Prem.
May our life touch and be touched by the pure water of Love!
Jagdish P Dave